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Photo of the month—December

Richard Worsnop was born in Yorkshire in 1950. Much of his early life was spent in Karachi, Pakistan, until he and his brother were shipped to England to serve sentences at boarding school.

Richard arrived in Bristol in October 1969 to attend the university and has never really broken the city’s hold on him since, despite periods living in Belgium, Colombia and Greece.

Hotwells boiling on a winter morning. Brunel’s old swing bridge bars the foreground, brother of the more famous suspension bridge, which is just visible through the mist to the left of Windsor Terrace.

Rounded Rectangle: WRITING
Rounded Rectangle: BRISTOL
Rounded Rectangle: BRISTOL UNIVERSITY PLAYERS 1970-75
Rounded Rectangle: LOOSE GUIDE
Rounded Rectangle: FAMILY
Rounded Rectangle: BEOWULF

If you would like to contact Richard, please email him:

